“Butterfly Jungle” 9 x 12 Chalk Pastel on Paper
There hasn’t been much time for me to paint since having baby number two last month, but there has been some time to mull over why I wanted to get back to painting and what it means to create and sell artwork.
In my latest art blog post, I discuss why I don’t want to use sales gimmicks and pushy tactics to sell my work. I also introduce my new policy of offering a 20% discount for buyers who have previously purchased from me. This is my way of saying thank you to those who have connected with my work enough to want to take it home.
(Previous buyers who want to take advantage of this discount: email me with the title of the piece you’d like to purchase, your name, and the name of a piece you’ve bought from me, and I’ll send you a Paypal button with the 20% discount included.)
There was a recent news article about a Monet selling for over 40 million dollars, and I read the comments with great amusement. From art lovers, bitter artists, and people who have no connection to art whatsoever, the remarks gave me some insight as to why people buy art. For me, the reason to buy a piece of artwork (whether original or reproduction) is simple: if it speaks to you enough to make you want to look at it over and over again, and you can afford it, buying a piece of artwork will probably increase your happiness level.
At least, that’s what it would do for me!
If you like tropical art, visit my Botanical and Garden Art gallery.