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Pricing and Policy Guide

by Niki Hilsabeck in Recent Posts

How do I price my artwork?  Use this handy guide to navigate my pricing and policies.

“Old Temecula Field”
Whether I’m selling my work at a festival, online, or through a show, there is consistency in pricing, which I base on what I think of as my “supply pyramid.”
On top, currently with the smallest amount of supply, are my acrylics.  I don’t get to do them often, and they cost more in terms of time and materials (canvas, paint, varnish, etc.).  Most range from the mid 100’s to 300 dollar range at this time depending on size. 
My mixed media pieces, which are becoming rarer for me but still in decent supply, would be the next level down, along with larger size pastels.  These usually run from $50-$120.
I have a steady supply of 9 x 12 pastels, some from my daily painting days and some more recent.  I usually price these according to the length of time they take me to complete, along with the uniqueness of the subject and the style.  Example: if I complete a 9 x 12 pastel on paper or flat canvas in a short painting session, I’ll usually price it in the $40 range.  If the piece took me several sessions, I’ll raise the price from there.
My collages or “quirky” pieces are on Etsy, in the $5-$60 price range.
Then come the miniature pastel paintings.  If they’re part of a series, I post them on my website at fixed prices (usually in the $20 range).  If they’re studies, I post them on Ebay for auction. If something’s on my website, it won’t be going on Ebay.  I use Ebay to find homes for early pieces that don’t fit my style any more or small studies that I did as painting exercises.
I include shipping in my current list prices on my website.  At festivals, I usually either offer a lower price or include frames, since the work doesn’t have to be shipped. 
Shipping costs are for USPS first class package rates, and if you want to return a piece for a refund, you have two weeks to do so (in same condition, buyer pays return shipping– same as my Ebay policy).  Artwork is packaged carefully.  Pastels are protected with glassine paper cover and include instructions on caring for your pastel painting.
Don’t forget– if you’ve bought original artwork from me before, you can email me your name and the name of the work(s) you’ve purchased for a 20% discount on any originals on this website.
Email for questions!

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